Life ❤️ Equations

I wonder if many people have stopped and thought about the process of using the internet- it really is quite a remarkable and personalised thing. We can give two people the exact same topic and because of their power of abstraction, thought, language and selection, be taken through tangents to extraordinary and drastically varied outcomes. Kinda magical don't you think?

Yesterday, in two quite distinctly different situations out doing things I'm passionate about, I came across the same piece of information. A fascinating and heart warming work of penmanship that gave me courage to continue working on some of my more complex conceptualisations. I wanted to share, because no matter what is circulating upstairs, this feeling, this emotion is accessible to everyone because we all have it. It takes a little step- by doing something that you like, or without the movement; by thinking of what brings you joy. It is your entitlement as a human to be able to do this, nurture this and seek more of it; it is what helps us learn, keeps us healthy and what protects us from harm, so with aroha from me to you today- spread a little goodness; it costs absolutely nothing and takes milliseconds to do. One smile shared with another can change a person's day, but five minutes with them, can entirely change their world.

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In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them. 

…”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us.

This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force.

Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it.
Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others.

Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals.

For love we live and die.
Love is God and God is Love.

This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.

To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation.

If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…

If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.

However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.

I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it’s too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! “.

Your father Albert Einstein

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Why do you feel entitled to a life without pain, yet filled with love?


GTG- Going. To. Ground; the misunderstood baby of the Creative Process

Over the last eight months I decided to take a closer inspection of my personal creative process. A logical and systematic study of the methodology and symptoms of each of the passages I work through, in correlation with creative patterns I had already ascertained. Each time I decide what I want to achieve next, I go through this process. We all live an emotional line which waves and dips, yet I feel compelled to share my recognition of some of the more difficult side to being able to make ideas become tangible, because this part is very rarely discussed and I believe, it’s actually the most important and valuable part.

Each time incrementally the stakes get higher; as in I propel myself though a more challenging state of change with more audacious projects because the evaluation of my limits, the risk involved and skill base has changed and grown. These ‘states’ are not all pretty, and although there is a lot of understanding out there about making and creating; the therapeutic outlet or physical result and beauty of creativity, very few people talk about the complications and challenging passages within the same context. 'Creative Process' is just art wank snobbery- we all live this pattern in varying degrees; where I draw another does sums, where I fly another gardens... 'creativity', in my opinion, essentially is listening to yourself and what makes you fizz.

Growing up in Wellington, an uber artistic town, has given me a unique insight into how we think, make and behave, and how this works and shapes a community. What I have noticed through my own life, and by being gifted with the ability to critique and reflect on my own process is that the ‘down’ side is right where the intervention of medicine, detrimental clinical and social evaluation and the labelling of psychological ‘disorders’ or symptoms (either self diagnosed or external) can come in. Raise the hands for a stress jammer, a blank out, pain relief and a comfort giver; Western culture point ya fingers at eccentric, out-there, weird, crazy or sick. I think this is also why a lot of people hide away and deal with these patches in private- it’s not easy not having it together all the time, and who wants to open themselves up to others for judgement on top of it?!

In the past I have tried all sorts of different strategies for self-help in these times and it is in these periods that if the sensitive creative brain is allowed to go a little too loose in it’s own attempt to remedy itself, that the shit can start to go pretty pear shaped. The most powerful help is talking. Why I am talking and writing is because as we evolve and become better at doing things, humans also become less tolerant to fixing bumps with hard work and time and want easy answers to bad stuff which is the better-at-doing-things brother from another mother. Re: previous post, ignorant appraisal is undone by open communication.

In my teens after battling with depression I tried medication. I lasted about two weeks. It made me feel ‘just below’ the living line and it killed any type of colour or creative spark I had in me. I felt in a fog, I feel beige and my vision and recognition of colours and concepts slid off and was muted. But I also knew that my behaviour was not helping. I was drinking heavily, I wasn't sleeping, I was in a very complex living situation, having just turned 16 I was at university and working to support myself; diet was completely up the whack and I was partying like a ninja- wild extravagant awesomeness but with complicated repercussions. I knew by being honest with myself, that that spark was actually my ticket to life and that my conduct and the situations I was into needed to be adjusted, NOT the spark. 

I knew what I felt and I knew I had to work through organising myself by doing the hard yards or the alternative was mighty unappealing, also I could see a pattern and was intrigued about it- I knew then that the dark was as valid a part of my gift as the light. Plus I came up with some pretty cool stuff in those patches. I also had recognition from within my family that this was something I could learn how to manage and use to my advantage- very important opportunity there. I was encouraged to understand and to sense what happened or changed within myself and to notice patterns. My family heritage is very scientific/medical/mathematical and very creative/artistic (Oh and racing drivers, an art historian, explorers, a prime minister and persons of political standing, gold miners, a land information strategist, a missionary to China, agriculturalists, a bareback hose riding milliner- and that's only a selection of recent generations...umm rather strong willed souls…) but on track, what I want to illustrate is that patterns of thought and emotion were already recognised within my family- coupled with a ‘get on with it and sort it out’ attitude. I could talk my way in and around a psychoanalyst like a corkscrew; it was up to me to get through this, tbh- no-one else had the skills because no-one else had the whole back history of what happened and was happening, and it was so goddamn unusual and complex by that time I couldn't be bothered trying to explain it all. 

3rd stage of creative process is the ‘this is shit/ I am shit’ area, Otherwise known as ‘going to ground’, ‘working through the nobblies’ or ‘dropping out of the system’; its not really physical, this very hardest part of the process is psychological, but it does have physical fallout. It. Is. Really. Difficult. It is where questioning, doubt, anixety, freakouts towards self abilities, self loathing and the unnerving state of living with a different brain activity resides. It is dark, can feel unending and hopeless, and very confusing. To me it feels like being shattered and rebuilt; not only in the project, but in my spirit. It is an integral part of the process, yah, pain and payoff, but as I have got older I have recognised I can also do something productive and target a mental attribute in here alongside working on an idea. I go for something that’s hindering me, festering and is a part of my soul that needs to be unpackaged, remedied and resolved. Not fixed- it’s not broken, it just needs some attention. It is a roadblock to the other side; undertaking has an open-ended timeframe, there is no schedule within this sector; its a progressive process, and it is extraordinary mentally and physically draining, but there is a wonderful feeling of success by getting over the Bog of Eternal Stench. Actually- it really is just like getting held up with Sir Didymus chewing the fat. 

Let’s call this ‘going to ground’ as GTG for the sake of my digits and getting this out eh! 

The symptoms can be pretty terrifying towards the climax of it- it seems to have an upward bell curve. Exhaustion, excema, hypna and hypnogogic (a type of pre and post-sleep sensory hallucination/ audio/ dream state that happens on the edge of consciousness), muscular tension, cravings (for all sorts of things, other ideas; relief really, it’s the point where we hit being creatively over it), very little quality sleep once ya finally get in there aaand the ‘racing-head-state’. This is when it is in hyperdrive. It really is nuts over this period and it can be very scary; continually bouncing around contemplating and searching for things. Once the key emotional concept or idea abstraction has been resolved and illuminated however, quite literally overnight, everything clears up. Actually, that’s kind of scary also because you could really be forgiven for thinking this is all completely nuts- because it is conceptual. There is no physical ball clinking down a slide saying ‘HEY! Ureka! You got it!!’ I just know within myself I’ve had a ‘Ureka!’ and that the circle has past GO again. 

Lets roll with this ball image. Because I actually visualise my ideas like that. When I am thinking about what I want to do next, what I'm aspiring towards, what helps others and what is challenging; + if it has become time for a very big overhaul then who and what I want to be, look & behave like, in come the balls and the basket. 

I am not only thinking about what I want to achieve, but I am very detailed about aesthetics, logistics, practise and what I need to know within this too. Into the basket over the weeks, months and much longer, ‘big’ heavy ideas come down, quite distinct from general brain chatter ideas and fill it up, sometimes some get taken out and replaced with others, and other times a particular ball grows in complexity. Every day I take them out and play with them, thinking about the attributes and making physical actions towards the things I can do that add towards each. The basket slowly becomes filled with usually about 7 orbiting biggies which break down into more elaborate subcategories- ha, that took a while to figure the gauge. Yer, actually visualised in a whicker basket (my Nana and I used to collect flowers in it), each a different colour and moving, changing and dynamic like nebula. I can slide into each and see how they are progressing. They are things I am working on, things I want to do, make and achieve and all manner of other things, but there is also always one ball about my personal identity- which contains a quality I would like to better, learn, refine or remove and facets within this of my relationships with others, the environment and myself. The diversity of these keeps in balance my obsessive tendency by giving me the freedom to swap between things, especially if one has stalled... or perhaps just spread out that obsession lol

After each ‘project’ or transition, in a type of summary I file and shelve the baskets which pack down origami style from 3D to 2D and are organised into a big khaki metal filing cabinet ‘long term memory’… funnily from my dad’s office that I used to go to when I was a child... I wonder if the next generation thinks of an app logo?? I often go back in this space when I need to dig around for something and re-inflate baskets and withdraw balls. Sometimes searching for a tool or experience which can help in the present, sometimes looking for inspiration or a piece of the jigsaw for an idea. These are decades old- my memory is gargantuan and I can recall events, imagery, sensory incidents, ideas and thoughts back to being a very new infant- wooow I hear you say, yet this has very much been a double edged sword of a gift; it comes with recollection of every bad thing in just as vivid detail.

In my working headspace there are different baskets in circulation too, projects floating in foreground and background and they are not static, they elevate or diminish depending on requirements and validity. Most people try obsessing about an idea with total surrender or desire when they imagine their future partner; holding onto the concept and furnishing it over time. I have trained myself to do just this but over many diverse ideas & investments, and to sustain the development over months and often years. The cool thing about doing this is that these 'dreams', these ideas significantly impact what we do and who we are, because we collect and input activities and behaviours which match our vision. This is why I love encouraging people to find what they love, because by building towards something amazing, fun and great, it in turn helps the individual become just the same thing. Gawd, I could start getting really in depth, but I think it's best I keep to simple in this blog right or things are going to get sqiggly… and well, I prefer organically sharing things with people when the right time arrises within conversations that have relevance to the parties involved.

Dealing with festers, parts I don't like about myself and just general total questioning and tip-the-whole-fucking-thing-upside-down-and-shake-it-it-all-needs-to-be-rearranged mentality is what comes up in the already complex GTG area- yerp, when it rains it pours. Validating it is the mucho grande super key component, it becomes as important as the other balls. Over time, this allows me to come to a level of understanding about whatever it is that time and let it slide away. It’s like a pay-off. This process is only my process because of how I am built and what I can and cannot live with based on my morals and thought patterns, but I know others feel and go through a very similar pattern. My focus (interchange with obsessive nature- these qualities aren't to be scared of; they are mighty useful when channeled into the right zone and honestly, success comes snuggled up with addiction and obsession; it's a matter of dealing with it not being scared of it) knows that my brain needs a type of clarification or monkey chews in loop. I don't like loops, I like resolutions so I can grow into the next thing. Writing about this makes it sound if everything is judged and rigid but it’s not like that, less anal retentive and more playful organic perhaps. Planned and unplanned, flow & structure, control and fluidity; little curling mind waves. Sometimes resolution is quick, other times not so as it bubbles along at life flow.

Over the proceeding project and in the new idea phase, pointers and markers within me and my experiences direct me to what this next dark baby is. There is no question in my heart what it is by the time the balls are clear- there is actually no denying it within myself, and if I try to do so, things happen to very clearly remind me that I cannot wiggle away. In lieu of having bairns of my own I have behaved as if mother to my existence through my actions and my ideas- I think that's a rather wonderful way to exist and fascinatingly there are similarities in timeframe also. 

Structured art making is the precursor to GTG. This is a happy and light stage; usually production of the resolution of ideas from the previous project experience, recently London and The Hague. In one light it is not the ‘real’ hard work. I would say that the sailing through the darker waters is actually the greatest art in itself, actually, lets go bigger than that, I really think the best art we make IS life, yes- we are all artists. 'Dark' is not necessarily sad either, it's a different type of energy or situation than that; it's like an emotionally dense and invested area- it can be happy but there is a lot going on.

In the past I have caused myself serious physical damage by not gauging what level of physical activity I can couple with my headspace at this particular time. I have realised I require habitual activities which are not high impact because I hurt myself if I do that- not in accidents but in quantity. I don't realise I’m pushing too hard because I’m trying balance out the level of stress and processing that’s going on in the noggin. Yoga, squash, cardio, swimming, and many others have been in that slot and although they work for the mental side, I have a tendency to take the amount into the extreme because brain is going gogogo- and so body gets pushed to gogogo also. I am a very tenacious animal. Incoming: collateral damage: I put my physical health secondary. Those activities I am passionate about can come back in at a different stage, but I have to be very aware within GTG what I choose and in what proportion. This time my new activities were teaching myself to ride my bicycle with no hands (that's around corners too) and standing tree pose for extended periods with my eyes closed. As I mature, I am better at being able to cut myself some cord and validate taking care of myself- but I think this is what is very challenging maybe more so for some of us than others. Yeah, yeah ‘take care of yourself’ we hear, um- yeah, I am trying to, but I don't have an off switch and I'm focused on bigger things. 

Overall the whole system is quite balanced- hence my assimilation with yin and yang, juxtapositions and spectrums because this is a direct reflection of living for me- OOOooo idea! Love it.. hmm hate it… Ok, not so bad.. Ok yeah, really fucking love it! Yet, it takes exertion to get it circulating and keep it so; making choices to change and focus attitudes. Perhaps a more accurate image which correlates to yin and yang, is this system as like ascending a spiral staircase where the light bulbs have blown in spots; the stairs are still there it just takes care, use of different senses and a change of pace to continue escalating. Aim of the game is to advance and make the next progressive move in order to not be stuck on a landing on the same level, or dip backwards; all about timing and sometimes requiring hanging out for a while rather than moving. Duality is the nature of life; where in one place it is day, another has dipped into night. When one is happy, another is sad; when it is summer in one location, another shivers in winter; where a new life is born, another passes away. Without this darkness the very essence of creativity wouldn't exist as it is itself; the left to it's right, the hot to it's cold, the back to it's front. 

Cognisant thought and vivid memory has at points made me scared in my life. I am super aware of my conscious; of decisions and why I am doing something. I can give you a very direct reason for every single decision dating way, way back and the ramifications and relationships that has to other components. That has been challenging in my life to learn how to deal with. Awake, and asleep- but what do you do when there is much more ‘awake’ going on and very, very little 'sleep'?! Well, you naturally want to knock yourself out a notch right. All of us do to a certain extent with anything that brings ease; everything has a time and place. We share a very basic primal need for hugs of brain and body.

Unfortunately because of the level of energy zipping in at times, sometimes the more gentle avenues of comfort don't work so well, and some things that others can use have disastrous consequences due to my mental and chemical make up or because I abused them in the past; i.e. sugar. I make my own choices on my own needs and feelings, but over the years not all of these were fantastic, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do and learn through the process. Looking at static sitting meditation for example, my tolerance is comparatively low. It took me a while to realise through all this guru competition and advice out there that my activities were meditation but at a different levels. The experiences I felt as I ‘popped to the left’ or found another space in my cognisant awareness where the motor was powering away in one room, but I had slipped off to another, was a powerful thing to realise. I have been immensely fortunate in my life to be able to fight for what I love, what makes me fizz and happy and hardline into these spaces. It is why I am passionate about helping others find what they adore also, because pinpointing a fizz = happy = learning & retaining = inspiration = healthy = constructive existence.

All the activities and passions I adore and have excelled at were initially introduced or imparted to me through people I have loved, admired and respected (or I was told I 'couldn't do it')- I think there is nothing cooler than being able to pass this type of connection and inspiration on to others. The only control one can have over these life changing meetings is by following what we love to become better and happier people- kinda simple equation aint it- yet the simplest things can often be the most challenging. Affluence affords the ability for a person to make more choices based on feelings rather than solving restrictions, but when you don't have this resource, nor emotional support to have the courage to fight for these pleasures, life becomes immensely more challenging and complex. A little encouragement, a little investment of one-on-one time, goes an incredibly long way in helping another find surety within themselves, their esteem and ideas, and ultimately their success. Interestingly however, life has a way of working with us and helping out with this equation the more that’s powered into it both in action and belief.

My church has two wheels, snow underfoot, clouds as the congregation and a pounding base line like a heartbeat as hymns. The infinite combination of inconsistencies and conditions are my playground and often the adversity of these combinations where I find delight. High winds, night-time, low visibility and howling storms bring me a sense of contentment and connection to being alive; immersed within the energy surrounding me and I perform better within this. The theatricality of my homelands' weather playing a huge part within my comfort and conditioning. I don’t care about where the 'creative process' leads, I just enjoy the moment it currently positions me within. What's the meaning to it all? I'm not interested in figuring that out, or, well there isn't one really to me- I just get on with it is as best possible; I love experiencing all the kaleidoscopic variations. Experiencing not recording- you won't find me with a Go-Pro or camera attached to me or posting heaps of action things- I'm playing not faffing and fucking around, and I'm not interested in participating with others who recording-shaking-their-tail-feathers comes primary to getting out there. Privacy and discretion are important qualities to me and who I am with at the time are the most important people who deserve my undivided and full attention. 

I get bored by things I have followed through to fulfilment, or worked through previously, so crave the next step up. Actually I cannot keep humming harmoniously unless I continue to find the next step up because what worked in the past was a for a different me at a different stage, with a different set of variables. ‘Step up’ isn't necessarily an evaluated risk either, it can be, but it also can be just something different. I am far more interested in experiences rather than things and testing out knowledge or phycological tools- hence me shoving my gluttonous spectrum back into a nicer area, or maybe just internalising where it’s not so obvious lol. Actually I think I’m happy to admit that- I’m a mind pig. Sharing time is my #1 most valuable and luxurious commodity.

Determining a safe living environment is immensely important and challenging; predominantly because I do so many different things with a high proportion of change. This time it was much less about supplying and more about reduction or removing. The more you travel, the more you know you need less, and I get a great sense of satisfaction from resolving things using limited resources. I need a little stress to learn, but I am particular about why and where and how much, especially as I can veer quite easily into whoop-nelly-put-the-brakes-on-how-the-hell-did-that-all-get-there territory. Sometimes heart decisions propel me to do something that only later is revealed how important it was for me to jump at that time. Selling Maria on the way back from the Netherlands is a prime recent example. It felt right (in a sad way), the right people had come to light and the process was smooth, it was the ‘right’ thing to do on a emotional, logistical and financial basis, but it wasn’t until later I saw how not having access to being able to jump in my car was a useful tool; some of the best are the missing ones. My car had also become an identity hairy handbrake- I had grown through that woman and wanted to become my next incarnation.

The equation of boredom + self absorption +  loneliness (not of people, it's a deeper current) + propensity for greed/ lust/ gluttony (ideas, information, and knowledge; consumption | production & receptor | creator out of balance) = Miss Murcott on the brink of a not good coping strategy and needing self intervention. Self intervention foremost- not action, information, or any other thing but to stop, un-package, breathe and give recognition to not feeling great- validation is tremendously important for me. Location: DEFCON 5; if I shoved anxiety or negative sensations under the blanket at this point I used to resort to a pervious not so good fill. That used to be hard when I was tired, stressed, confused/ feeling isolated; a little lost within an activity, been travelling for many hours or was in GTG. However, understanding this pattern was essential learning in order to become the woman I am, undertake the complex things I do, and develop further within the lifestyle I adore. Most of the time I succeed, and on occasion I epic-ly flop but Ill let ya in on something, as soon as we can define and talk about something, very quickly that thing starts to diminish and become manageable. Without these qualities, I would never have become so good or tenaciously invested into things in the first place; often the compulsion to do something amazing comes from the fire/ anger/ pain of something quite opposite.

Oh, but wait, if you're thinking this is elaborate enough there is another pattern that is added to this as a woman. The monthly cycle of hormonal, physical and emotional complexities associated to just being born in these amazing bodies. What is depression, what is pre-menstrual tension, what is related to the idea, what's just grumpy tummy?! We are built to be the greatest creators of our species, but this comes with intricate attributes. It is like a giant tapestry of different lines of coloured emotional flux and wane; incredibly complex and unique to each of us. Unless I wanted a catalogue of definitions, I was quite happy to discard the labels; rise to the challenge and navigate each day, each combination with it's own countermeasure. The recognition of these patterns are as important as the former- because yes, at some point both GTG and this will align, and whoah nelly that’s one to sail.

As a woman creative in particular there are interesting additional challenges related to this existence, but where I found strength because early on it was like ‘so, we are trying to medicate the essence of what I’m born as/ with?!’. If you know a young creative, perhaps now with a different perspective, the challenges of not only all this, but the pressures of identity, body image, bullying through social media, a recording device every turn just ready to catch you as you discover, explore and play; societal pressure to behave and look a certain way, oh plus figure out what you do and are of corse; you can seriously be forgiven for transgressions no? Actually I think we have a bigger problem with the next generations in that they are too scared to actually let loose. Because what you learn in this necessary process is that you are not the centre of the Universe, no-one really gives a shit and that ya need to get over yourself. Doing something a little too much and going a bit far teaches us a very valuable lesson involving ego and entitlement- a young person can't get this 'oh!' if they can't push the envelope.

There is absolutely no question that there is a particular demographic and profile which is more susceptible to having some complicated challenges, but they are only that. Attributes come with problems, and problems come with attributes. 'Naughty' more often than not, is 'bored' and 'mighty smart' in a misunderstood and frustrated package. I used control over my weight and body image as a young person as a tool for me to retreat back into working with and untangling the first puzzle I had be born with; I wasn't ready for round two at age 10. Nor for the revelations of quite unusual gifts and the awareness that came with so young. My revenge upon the world for complicating my existence by giving me all these cool qualities but quandaries that went with, was to take that fire and turn it internal. It’s hard to talk as an adult- but yet we expect a child and teen to be able to articulate intense feelings from complex circumstances?! It's not an unusual tactic for smart cookies to resort to behaviours which alter sensory perception in the attempt to reprogram themselves and find contentment- strategies that with the influx in accessible information/ knowledge/ introspection and loneliness, will become more and more prevalent within society as we progress. If a person is making stuff or participating in forms of expression; i.e. changing and playing; they're feeling things- these creations say a huge amount about how they are processing life- less focus on the stuff, more on the feel

All of this sequence recognition takes a significant amount of time, modern world you just don't like this. It also takes a huge amount of faith and belief in personal processes and composition. Some physical; anatomical, biological and hereditary, some cerebral and sensory, and some esoteric. I believe that no way is 'the' way, we are all made up differently- no metaphysical, therapeutic or psychological way by itself has all the answers because that is hooning in one direction with blinkers on. Many terms and classifications are interchangeable too; they are the same thing from different angles. Plus, science has no grasp on feeling- we are utterly unique in how we individually perceive this, there are many variations in intensity and subtle differences between qualities. It takes recognition and use of the whole system together to get this human safe and healthy.

Life can be pretty hypocritical; many 'bad' things are 'good' in different packages, it's just society has attached stigmas associated to one and not the other. My reality sees it that if something is enjoyable and productive then it is valuable, I make my own opinion about whether a tag is relevant. I wanted to learn about myself and who I am by doing the hard yards because I knew I could make myself well, and that the well went with the unwell hand-in-hand. I think this is where the modern world is getting to a bit o’ a problem. We are well and unwell, but people would rather not admit that. There is a lot of fear and competition about pain. A traumatic life experience for me may be just as significant and as painful to you as burning the cookies with all sorts of expectations and pressures tied in. In my experience, the proportion of trauma is always balanced out by periods of healing; what goes up, must come down and vica versa. When a child is screaming after falling over and grazing their knees, we instinctively give love, compassion, recognition to the experience and validate that they are hurting- why is it that as adults this pattern is forgotten? It is only the ego that has an age- the soul is still the child wanting a hug and to be told it's ok. 

We never really grow up; we only learn how to act in public.
— anon

A huge reason why I went to Japan was because my soul was missing a jigsaw piece of a spiritual element, and I knew it was there. I don't know how, sometimes I just know things; I completely trust my intuition for my requirements. We all have special gifts for our stories but there is a vast amount of work involved in order to hone them. 'Follow the dream', hmm, that always sounds like there is a trail to follow, where I see it as a seek-&-discover and a build in progress through choices. I have resolved many dreams and mastered different vocations (or portions of bigger visions depending on which perspective is taken); one of my special knacks is that I relish, enjoy and seek growth through change. My life has taught me that you can do anything you set your mind to, but it works like a ripple; each layer building upon the former. My mind may be set on something, but my spirit is the one to guide me through the paths to achieve it. Going gang busters independently from very young has meant my boundaries and seeming limitations have been tested differently to the average and I have learnt and honed a sense of sureness in accordance to this. There is validity in a great variation of purposes, but the individual has to sharpen a sense of intuition in order to learn how to trust themselves through making friends with their mind. Couple that with passion, timing, attitude, tenacity, optimism and woooork, and you've got special sauce in the mix. What cannot be overlooked however, is what price are ya prepared to pay for that vision? There is always consequence. 

Please lets be clear, I am not denying the benefits of medical or clinical intervention, actually quite the opposite- make up your own mind, but we can mend ourselves much better than most people realise. A closer inspection of a need may highlight that a resolution lies in an alternative avenue; just as constructive but without profiteering and fear attached alongside. And without blanketing the emotion or transferring it, rather un-packaging and recognising it; although sometimes we need to procrastinate or chip off a portion in order to get somewhere, and to have fun! Unorthodox often gets slagged as radical or reactionary- but remember, what is now considered 'normal' at one point itself was unconventional. What works for me, won’t be for another because this thing called life is totally unique with a personal collection of skills, viewpoints and things that have happened along a lifetime. I’m shining light on something complex, misunderstood and rarely discussed because when we hear something that resonates with our stories, it has a profound effect on not feeling so much like a satellite. That can be one sentence in a 1000, it doesn’t need to be the whole heaving set. Or another persons experience can ignite an ‘ahuh!’ set of dot connects inside which is coooool as.

Street Art by Eddie Colla

Who I meet along my journey is far more interesting to me than what I accumulate, and those things I do adore I share, use as tools, get the best that I can at the time, play with without abandon and really, really enjoy. Do it once, do it right (and maybe repeat if it's really really great hehe). I have been radiantly flush and I have been stone cold broke for long periods, but often in those latter patches they were the times of the greatest happiness; regardless of either situation I am far more 'rich' than any sum could denominate. I totally fucking feel that- no. bullshit. You can strip me of everything (been there on more than one occasion) and it would now have absolutely no effect upon my mental health or ability to live, survive or rebuild my life. My existence is one of ultimate luxury because experience and connection is my gold and I let nothing define me. Don't get me wrong- I love cash, it's totally necessary and an awesome thing- you're not going to find me in a free-love commune (yeah, tots not my thang); I like commerce. But if I hadn't taught myself to let go of the worry associated with it, I would not be able to focus on elaborate long-term projects because they'd always be undermined by lack of funds. 

I wasn't always this way- actually quite the opposite as is the case with taking on most big curves, life can be confusing and contradictory at times. I choose to do this, to challenge myself, to see what happens and how I feel if things drastically change because it makes me confront myself and my priorities. I have been selfish, belligerent, ungrateful, vicious, egotistical, confused, greedy and gluttonous, materialistic, unbalanced, with almost non existent self esteem, broken, lonely, unhealthy and very miserable at times within my life. Some of the most valuable qualities to me now have come from being their opposite and converting them with a desire and dedication to be better. Without 'bad' qualities recognised and in their working uniform, nothing amazing can happen at all; without 'want'; desire or a certain variety of greed, we cannot be better, or be compelled and driven to ambition. Without covering my lack of self esteem at some points in my life with ego, I wouldn't have had the courage to jump when I had to; without at times being self centred, well, I wouldn't have survived- it's just becoming more aware of ourselves though experience, trial and error and testing those boundaries that we can recognise what things really are, where they sit on those shoe lace spectrums and how to navigate, develop or reduce particular attributes. Everything has it's reason for being useful. 

Living fluidly doesn't control what emotion gets thrown in on the journey either, it's a case of just sorting it out as it comes; unconventional lifestyles have unusual complications and pressures. Yet, humanity is forgetting that well behaved and ordinary does not make history. With a predilection for critical attitudes and an obsession with flawlessness and rivalry we have a bloody tough environment for kids (adults) to learn who they are and find a unique voice. Time to get uncomfortably comfortable. What happens in my brain by collecting these black ants in white rectangles and sharing them is as magic as what then infiltrates and bounces around in yours after reading. Sharing is caring, but what level of censorship or authenticity this has can make a fundamental difference to whether anything sticks, is beneficial or ignites a spark of inspriation.

‘Going to ground’ resolves itself; it is finite, and it’s followed by ‘This is fucking cool…again’. It is inevitable as the wheel turns, a lot of getting though is just holding on and having the tenacity to not give up or have a wobbly and discard the basket. If the basket is filled with true heartfelt idea loves then they will pull though. It is a just a matter of time, a matter of process and a matter of continuing to make small steps of work towards them through what is presented in the forefront of life within this. What we learn in any undertaking is far more valuable than the thing or result; realisations and epiphanies which shape and refine us. There is method to the madness within this also, if something isn't gelling, leave it lie for a bit, pick up another ball and have a play and see what grows furry in the meantime and pops out of brain chatter. 

Humanity enables history to repeat itself because it is all most expect. There has to be faith in what is extraordinary before any pattern or proof in this configuration revels itself. It is there, and it is as fundamental as the molecules that connect us, the world and the Universe, but it requires dedicated energy towards deflecting sabotage, and defence from external and internal attack. We get thrown new and repetitive challenges and tricks to entice us off path, or see whether we'll throw a wobbly; another round on the landing or 'ohh, no, did that last time, new solution required' situations. Every few months over the lat nine I have been tempted by job offers at Peter Jackson's Weta Digital- little fork-in-the-road-carrot-dangles, often appearing right after having gone through a challenge with what I have been focusing on, and initiating me to evaluate my investments and aspirations. Pressure of modern society can easily spark jitters and financial matters can sway many people, but man made paper (eesh, its not even that anymore; numbers and electrical currents) i.e.; cachinga, is not what makes the world go round. Money is not the dominant energy. An idea, a desire, helping someone ya do or don't know, breaking a habit, political change, fixing the leak, resolving an engineering problem, breaking a habit, a pinpointed strategic and productive response to a facet of the changes in climate we are experiencing- it all starts in this pattern with making the next right step for what we are doing at the time. And I'll tell ya a biggie- helping others and changing the world for a better place starts with learning how to change and better ourselves. 

People say "well I'm not going to do that, because it won't work and I'll get hurt because I have been hurt every other time". Unless ya leap you don't get rewarded with a fucking awesome that sometimes comes with a little side dish of bad- but once you have had a fucking awesome, you just want more of it, so the bad becomes easier to tolerate. Constitution gets stronger, human gets more prepared and focus is driven on the benefit not the fallout. 'Tackling Life 101' through the metaphor of eating from a dodgy street vendor- delivered by Captain Moxie hot and steaming- eesh lol 'av a laugh, it's not like we get out of life alive!

Now is explained and organised by now- not yester-hour, day, or year. What history has recorded is to learn from, be that as it may, it is only the publicised view of the particular power of the period. Egypt: incredible superpower in it's time- but Tutankhamen may have been a replica of a USA presidential candidate member for all we know. We have no idea what records of amazing events and discoveries were destroyed or controlled by authorities that had more influence. Imagine living in the future and defining and directing events working from our current media situation. Salacious, all the 'its's and 'ism's, bigoted, twisted, distorted; and not what a great proportion of intelligent minds of our time agree with- incredibly dangerous stuff. It's the kid at school who couldn't play Chinese whispers nicely and was too craven to be sincere. 

I recently watched Michelle Obama being driven around the Oval Office grounds in a car pool situation with a celebrity singing to pop hits like Beyonce and Missy Elliot, when Boom, Missy appears in the back seat. Three quarters of my friends were adamant she was in the car and it was real, until I pointed out the very faint differences of colour gradient in the back window, the green screen residue cut-out of the superimposing of images together, and the fact that Michelle and her movements were never seen in the same shot- i.e. it was an actresses hand that had been inserted. How easy it is for a person's truth to be constructed, and what's the collateral? If it has importance to them and their journey, does it matter if it is real or manufactured? Needing to think that Missy and Obama were in the same car together may have relevance to propelling a person to do something extraordinary further down the line. 

In the same situation, Michelle had just talked about how she was off on a tour of the Middle East promoting education of women and unobstructed access to information. So, encouraging a different culture to conform to a another's without regard to the social construct of female/ male relations and roles?... And because educating everyone is all fantastic right? Because there aren't elements of doing that that make another a rebel and revolutionary (to their partners, their families, their community)... but hold on, so this informed and aware Libyan woman is now thinking and digesting incredible (uncensored?) information and doesn't agree with or take interest in the prepackaged stuff she comes across and seeks her own truth for her own culture... Oh, right, now she has become a terrorist.

When I travel I am no longer a New Zealander, I consciously attempt to leave my preconceived notions in one corner of myself while I absorb, assimilate and acquire things which are radically different and opposite to who and what I 'am'. I am changing, but I'm not requiring others to do so. New culture, new religion, new location, new rules, new role; scrub the pre-existing format. This behaviour is the action of what everyone demands, yet seem unaware of how to procure; why would someone give respect if it is not shown in kind? We talk of 'globalisation' and of 'free sharing', yet those who are in positions of authority proclaiming liberty are not the fair children from the sandpit who shared their time and talk, toys & sandwich with their dark skinned Muslim friend from Asia. Peoples' people are much easier to find, try your bartender, your shop assistant, your nurse and those at the frontline of service. Globalisation starts with interaction; it starts with sharing that peanut and jam, and I am proud to say NZ, you are well on the path with this as a truly multicultural, celebratory and inclusive society, but on a global scale, ooph I shudder. Globalisation? Ya want the resources but not the problems? The wheel of fortune has never liked veracity and propaganda comes in the most silky of packages. 

As of this week I have pushed through a rather nuggety patch for a little while at least. I have come to understand a game plan much better and the equations of what propel me to undertake different behaviours and new actions which have beneficial outcomes. I have made space within myself for improved and alternative information and continued working forwards, helping others in the process. I am immensely grateful for where I am, what I have and that I am me. Now it’s time for the next passage, enough naval gazing, yer, completely inherent to this cycle but all within balance and in it’s own time. 

Right, brain, who feels like a game of ball bingo?!




Each morning 

I knit the chasms as best 

I can manage 

Slip stitch over rivers of 


sadness and self loathing 

Rushing torrents with 


Crashing and raging below by the evening 

At torrential full current 

relentless hours of navigating boulders, hidden branches and debris

I go under 

and pop back up 

Weak, limp and battered 

I pull myself to the cliff top

Night a gamble of refuge or ambush

The New Day 

Gratified with the sun beating on my face 




Head bowed with relief, respect and regard 

Experience does nothing to harden me 

by breaking me 

as I crouch damp and dripping;

Some mornings 

I never completely dry

My heart seeping as I leap from the cliff arms extended with defiance 

Cat and mouse that torrent plays with me 

And one day I will not resurface 

But what she does not realise 

That every crack becoming me 

the shatters and shards 

Fragment into less human 

More water

Open weave 

Refracting light

Four Eyes 🤓

I am the most enormous movie buff with tastes that span pretty much every genre except for horror. A friend recently asked what I had seen that I had enjoyed, which is a bit like asking me what my favourite road or mountain to ride is (BIG question- lots of variables- most likely the next different one...!) sooo... If you are in need of some time to think and relaxxxx, then these gems come with my recommendation for a geeze.

Click on the images below to learn more info and see the trailers    o-O


Truth is like poetry, and no-one fucking likes poetry.
— The Big Short

Ahem.. lol.. Hehe 🙊




Within my chrysalis 

I spin 

gossamer threads 


visual proposition

lining and embellishing 

my dressing room and

creating what next I will 


Intimately portraying

the finest details





performing matinee 

dress rehearsals

learning lines

My intuition

glowing at

hum frequency 

Changing hue;

trying contrasting options

like shoes

until the glass slipper fits

and it is time for 

Show Time

emerging for the next 

star performance





Cells splitting

a binary existence 

at molecular level

one becomes




and reflected through


our twins

magnetise and collect

around us

assimilated through adoration


We connect 

we covet

and pursue

the yin to yang

Female to male

not of outward manifestation

but of exuberance

Parallel continuation


Phycological behaviour;

our internal appearance

emotional orientation 

mirrored in enchantment

the most powerful 


humanly procurable


Projection of devotion in 


We summon our

souls amplification 

towards us




Trying to keep an

even keel

as jitters

want to play 

tricks on me

Eyes on the horizon


Squeezing perception in and out

like a jellyfish moving

only getting 

tighter and sharper

until I buckle

Trying to release the pressure valve


Drive the bow through the wave 

rather than sinking 


to lie

still and prostate

watching the remaining 





Incrementally components of new much-bigger-than-art projects are coming into focus, and I am excited to orchestrate them into fruition. Moena Moxham and my publicised creative endeavours are only a select portion of projects I have worked on, and new concepts in many different fields are sometimes years in assembly. Everything is about timing, and finding the right piece or person for the particular construction of that project; sometimes this takes events to accumulate before an essential part is revealed. 

Often I look back and reflect on how things can click together, how overtime roadblocks are never as they seem, and that there is no such thing as a set back. Every single ‘set back’ in my life has brought revelations, growth and productivity, and with it, honest reflection that really, at that point it was abso-bloody-lutely necessary to have that happen because the timing was not right. I was not right at that point, there was something I needed to experience or learn. 

Every day, in every way, we are better and better- and it is a progressive revolution.

I fascinates me in this age how quick we are to assume that people expose and promote every detail about themselves- we have become quicker than ever to make assumptions and allocations based on visual media, constructed information and sourced opinion. I don't require media attention or publicity in order to select or create my ideas. If anything, quite the opposite- I am immersed in the things I am doing because I am passionate about them and because it matters to myself and those involved. To me, privacy and respecting somebody without having to summarise them is a very wonderful and magical part of human interaction. Embracing the unknown allows for surprise, and nothing is ever what it seems from the outside. It is so dangerous to summarise- change is the only constant and most human opinions are projections of negative . This progressive revolution requires by absolute, that no person, experience or sensory incident can be exactly repeated- if ego is locked into thinking you know what will happen, all cumulative development is missed. However, humans have to summarise in order to select how to advance, but in my experience, fluid calculations built on heart, on intuition and on instinctive body language not appearance, money or status, makes some rather fantastic and incredible things occur. 

So leaving you in a haze of mystery and a tantalising drift to the precipice of what is to come next, here is a poem and story special to me, and from the inner workings of my mind. 

I read this story at my Grandfather Gibby’s funeral, and as I have shared before, he was a luminary to not only myself and my family, but to those he helped and saved over his surgical career and encountered in every day life. It is a story of hope, of simplicity and of grace; and it brings me much joy and happiness when I think of it, as to me it is the essence of existence. It is how my grandfather lived, and it is how I aspire to. Every moment we make impressions into the sand of our paths and every day we marvel and exist within the universe of our stars. One and the same, just spinning in different curves as we brush and encounter each other. 


¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°   ≥^.^≤   °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸


A man was walking along a beach after a storm. All along the beach there were starfish that had been thrown up onto the shore and were dying in the sun. As he walked along he came across a small boy. He watched as the boy picked up a starfish, walked into the waves and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he walked back, picked up another starfish and did the same again. When the man came across the boy he asked what he was doing. The boy replied that he was saving the starfish.

The man replied “But you couldn't possibly make a difference- there are thousands of starfish thrown up on the beach. You are just one boy.”

The boy picked up a starfish, walked into the waves and threw the starfish out as far as he could. Then he walked up to the man and said “Well, I just made the world of difference to that starfish.”


¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°   ≥^.^≤   °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸


Ideas are Divine



Closed eyes

lit up within from 


dancing imagery in waltz 

Emitting likeness and collecting 


as they step closer to each other

Trajectories brushing 



pairing and peeling


layers each a different luminescence

as they 


into another unified and 

kaleidoscopic life



People forget what you said, what you looked like and what you did; but they never forget how you made them feel. 




In my 


There are two grimalkin 

A snow leopard; sleek, 


and with eyes of 


Her partner

A black panther, swift and with snout wet for the 



Ice is impish and inquisitive 



through the 

snow and bounding beneath 


Romping and pouncing 

showing off her soft and tender tummy

to the sun

taking delight in the smells and secrets in her path

climbing high onto cliff faces and into 

mountain air


Darkness is driven across plains

seeking game

Honed and focused

acutely aware

ready to pounce

Padding stealthily towards 


judge and jury

he slips between night and shadows 


Who guides Heart through the wilderness?


both equally; 

The feline who is fed

survives the 




Motivation and Oxygen Masks

There is more than one way to eat a Mellowpuff and when it comes to the whole concept of ‘following your dreams’, in my opinion, there are a few key things that make a HUGE difference. 

See these three little words have been making me a little queasy of recent- its being bashed around like a friggin doctrine.

We have little road signs all through life. We make conscious and unconscious decisions constantly- living in a sense is being sensitive to these. However what MOTIVATIONS are driving these choices separates the monkeys from the bananas. 

Personally, Truth, Heart, a desire for good, excitement and an adoration of people and personalities is what drives my ‘dreams’. I search out experiences and things to do that I love, but what is the driving background to all of these things is interaction with people. From the moment I get up and out and about I am intrigued and curious about where the day will take me and who I will get to encounter and play with. 

Doctrines in ANY form miss the whole point of the game. Its like watching a movie to teach you how to snowboard, you kinda get it, it gives you the concept but those muscles aint seen nothing yet!

I don’t step on people to get what I desire. I don't manipulate situations and I am NEVER focused on cash at the outset. 

Often I go into jobs or positions with a quite different reason than what may appear from the outside. I have had many eclectic ‘jobs’ over the years all the while collecting skills, techniques and a piece of my jigsaw that I need for the bigger picture. I love getting down and dirty and pitching in because I know I will learn something new and that the energy I bring to a group is there for a reason, as it is with my fellow team members. The only thing that I truly abhor is elitism and snobbery- London you wracked my fur a little precisely because of this. 

My love and understanding of people is what makes me valuable and unique. It is the true essence of who I am and what I enjoy, and is my ultimate skill: working with people and being able to select, manage and participate in dynamic and complex teams. My art is the product of experiences and is the result of how I process being out of my comfort zone and in extreme cases, in pain. Art brings me enjoyment and resolve, but it holds a different more complex type of fizz for me. 

Happiness comes in flux, and equally with her buddy sadness. Spectrums slide and shift left and right and maturity to me is learning how to cruise this groove. Glow in the ups and hug through the lumps. 

My story, and my love of learning and experience has taken me through so many diverse experiences. As you've heard before, I got wrapped into good things and bad, but always drove myself on my own terms. I soak up advice, knowledge and opinions but squeeze out with my own juice after reflecting and rationalising what I am working with. I try all sorts of things and love finding others who can help me learn or partake in the skills I do not have or want to understand. THIS is how amazing things happen; not from focusing on money or the holes- it comes from trying. 

Coming back to New Zealand after six months has been wonderful and also alarming. I adore my country, it’s stunning landscape and creative, open and dynamic individualism. Although I am disturbed, and increasingly so each time I leave and return, about the increase in the cost of living, the distress and worry I see etched on peoples faces and the obsession with money over experience. Many times in my life I have done things without pay because I love whats happening or I can see the bigger picture. I have not had money to do what I do or create the things I make, I have to go and work from there. But my life, and my pushing of the limits and boundaries of this from a very young age have given me precedent and trust in the process. If you love what you do, the money will come and things work out because of PEOPLE. I am known for saying ‘Dreams are free, the hustle is sold separately’. Genuine passion and belief snowballs. 

The crowdfunding project I ran and publicised 14 months ago was the trumpet blast of what I had been doing all my life. People said to me I was insane, people were hung up on the amount of money I was trying to raise (which to me was just a number), some people were vocally disapproving and were jealous, vindictive, actively and maliciously sabotaging components or parts of the project. MANY MORE were outstanding and realised I was up to something much bigger than what was on the surface. I always have a bigger picture and I don't get put off by people not liking what I do. (Actually this is sometimes a bloody good indication you're right onto something very cool!). Peoples nastiness took longer for me to be able to deflect and understand; just because you can stand up for yourself doesn’t mean you are not hurt or are bulletproof. People like to undermine or tell themselves there are ‘reasons’ a person is successful that prevents themselves from acting or becoming similar. As you grow though you understand that people will always try tag, allocate and undermine in the attempt to claw back power for themselves. Hard work learning and SELECTING the right skills, decorum, integrity and a sense of humour get me where I go, and I have and never will sleep my way anywhere. 

Sex and the implications on women that this is a requirement in the creative world to be successful, makes not only my skin crawl but me fiercely angry. I have been confronted with appalling situations and provocations over the years- if my legacy helps one woman or man not go through what I have, I will pass on a happy soul. To create is insanely complex, contrary to popular belief, it is not easy. To get to ‘easy’ with ANYTHING in life goes through ‘hard’. My anger watching souls pour everything into creating, where more often than not people are against what you are doing, to then struggle to have the courage, let alone the resources to publicise this and then to be prayed upon by sociopathic vultures wanting not only what is in your mind and soul, but between your legs also, makes me sick. Especially when what they seek is association and validation by others of the ‘support’ they gave the new butterfly to grow. It’s like being gang fucked. Yes. Vulgar, painful and degrading. I have watched so many young beautiful people feel so desperate that they have succumbed to this behaviour. Underselling themselves and trying to get by, and it’s getting worse. The creative sphere can be a little dirty, historically through to present day, but everyone of us can make a difference. I will never walk a well trodden path and am quite happy to bush bash and make a new line. Sleezy slice of the Art world you are lower than prostitution- at least that is an even playing field. If you have to sleep with anyone to sell your art, it simply is not right; right timing, right people, right circumstances. Harsh but true. But it doesn't mean it's not good; keep moving forwards with eyes on the prize. As a woman I got tired of the implications of my success linked with my sexual activity, but always look at it as rather hilarious- shit my social life is outrageously incredible- did anyone want to let me know?! Let others fill in the gaps- it makes them think they know what they are up to poor souls. 

There are many instances currently in NZ where the shortsightedness of ‘user pays’ is undermining the beauty of what we have and will damage where we are going. We are uber creative ingenious adventurous thinkers. EVERY one of us that lives here- because to exist in this land you have made a special journey. The luxury of land, our access to nature and resources facilitates our ability to undertake extraordinary ideas, but this thought process; the environment that nurtures a brain to be able to do this, can’t be running in loop panicked about putting food on the table, a roof overhead and heating on. WHY are you moving to Auckland? What is up there that your soul is calling you to follow or are you jumping on a train that someone is telling you is the direction you ‘need’ to go…? Money is love- do what you love and success will follow. YOUR success- not an image of this that someone is using as propaganda. 

New Zealand is BY FAR the most expensive place I have ever travelled. The day to day living is extreme and has recently been supported by international data collector Numbeo which has recently come out and said that it is now one of the most expensive places in the world to live. Overseas, if food is expensive then often travel is cheap, or vica versa. So many places overseas are pinned with being heavy cachinga hitters- but once you are there it is all relative- yes rent in Tokyo is high, but LIVING (eating, doing stuff) is cheap. Aotearoa is crippling, it’s food, it’s rent, it’s travel, it’s entertainment, it’s running a vehicle, a cellphone, looking after a pet or paying the power/ gas. When your brain is consumed with trying to figure out how to pay the bills it leaves very very little space to be able to think outside a box and MUCH less space to grasp how to be happy. Our unique ability as Kiwi’s to be inventive is being directly undermined by our quality of life. 

Where is all this coming from? Well, we as a race are intensely competitive, it’s like we have to jump higher and higher because we think the rest of the world has missed us- they aren’t even close- we excel in pretty much everything. Our government policies aren't helping and there is no infrastructure in place for the opposite. I eat more NZ grown and made produce overseas than I have ever done at home- disgraceful really when our groceries cost so much, and we can't have what we make. Costs keep going up yet wages are shockingly low and the achnologed value system for skill is appalling. Drop GST on fresh fruit/ veggies and give priority to local production. Like when I bake for my friends, the fudge gets divided up and a small box stays and gets snuffled into the fridge for the baker! We are forgetting kind basics…


Put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on the child next to you. 


It’s a metaphor for life. We are no use to anyone if we are passed out! But as with anything its balance- you can't be so high on the gas you have forgotten the child is there! ‘Live your dreams’ …. yesssssss. But not at the cost to others. Life is Star Wars- from families to parties- bet you have met a Jabba, Hans Solo, and Yoda. Princess Leia your sister?… Chewbakka your mate at the rugby….lol. I have encountered Darth and his cronies- I rather hope you can avoid the Death Star…

Inner Child. It must be incredibly distressing to not be intimately acquainted with him or her because damn it is fuuuun. I think I am on some levels permanently 3, but if your small one has gone wandering I think it best you put your hiking boots on buddy and get mountaineering for under the rocks, behind the gorse bush and over the fence lies happiness. She's snuggled up with what makes you pop. THIS, if you can pinpoint it, will be what makes your heart sing and yes, bring you financial reward. I provoke it’s not a label like ‘designer’ or ‘doctor’ is much more primal and simple than this. What kid were you in the sandpit? ;)

A month or so ago I was at a party and encountered a Black Hole. A woman who’s behaviour and energy was to me simply quite fascinating in a rather macabre but utterly mesmerising manner. She sucked everything in and spat nothing out. All consuming and propelled by a fascinating velocity, the other galaxies in the room had an interesting orbital awareness of her also. Few were able to navigate her gravitational pull. Makes you think huh, we need all the planets to keep in orbit but we need warm, bright ones to make things grow by giving not consuming- we are all made of the same matter, we are energy and extra, and we exist and play within a world made from the concepts of our imagination.

Avoid the pack mentality, give everything a try, be a little wary of those that proclaim all the answers or flash around slogans willy nilly, it’s a cover and unfortunately they are like primary school teachers that hate children; banging on about things when they are missing the whole point of actually being there; imparting knowledge through fun.