So excited to showcase my work on my new website!
Hello to you all- I hope you enjoy following my adventures through this blog.
As I have removed myself from social media, I will be posting updates to this blog featuring current projects, pictures from my upcoming adventures and bits and bobs that interest and excite me. That might be furry cute things and sloppy tasty things, noisy dirty grunty stuff or just a thought- keep popping back, because I can promise there is always something super charged going on!
Very soon I will be launching a project on the international crowd-funding website For many years I have wanted to travel to Japan; a country and culture that has inspired me in many aspects of my life. In early 2015 this trip is a reality. The Indiegogo platform gives me the opportunity to showcase my art internationally , convey my concept to a worldwide audience and fundraise all in one.
I am travelling to Japan to soak up as much art, culture, music, cuisine and snow missions as one person can put in a trip! While there, I aim to make connections with like-minded artists. Using the adventure, and my passion for snowboarding to meet people and make real rather than virtual connections, I hope to encounter and create opportunities for myself to exhibit in Japan, and find Japanese artists who are interested in exhibiting with me in Wellington at my studio on my return. Long-term I would love to explore turning this into a biennial event, alternating between NZ and Japan.
The trip will be inspiration for my next body of work.
Watch this space!- you will hear all about this project and others here first!
Please feel free to contact me with any queries, projects or just general chin wag.
x A